How do I create an availability notification on Reserve America?
Many times the desired campground isn’t available. It can be very frustrating! One thing you can do is to create an Availability Notification. This will tell you when a site opens up. You will need to act very quickly once notified because other people are most likely doing the exact same thing.
I’ve learned over time that closer to your camping date the more chance you have of a site opening up. People are starting to cancel close to the date. You can also just keep checking back daily to see if something popped up before you could be notified.
No. 1 – Sign in
No. 2 – Search for the desired campground. Enter Arrival and Departure Dates / Flexibility / Site Type and click on “Check Availability”.
No. 3 – Under “Campground Map” you will see in Blue – “Create Availability Notification” – Click that sentence.
No. 4 – Click on “Create this notification”
No. 5 – You’re all set –
No. 6 – How to find your list of Notifications – Click on your name in the upper right corner. Then click on My Reservations. You will see menu choices seen in the image above. Availability Notifications is one option.
Please let me know if you have any comments or questions!
Hi! Is there a way to recieve notifications by text in addition to email ? I’d like to recieve a text when a camping space becomes available.
It doesn’t look like it. I just went through the steps and it says notices will be sent to the email address you sign-in with.
Hi Karen and Randi,
You can also use (my friend and I built it) to monitor campgrounds on Reserve America for availabilities. Although it isn’t free like the built in ones on Reserve America, it does allow you to receive alerts by text message. 🙂
All the best!
Thanks for the info. Do you have one that monitors Reserve California?
Yes—Campnab monitors Reserve California for openings as well. That said, they release some campsites in real time and hold some others until a set time (we send alerts for both of these scenarios).
When creating a request for availability notifications, do you need to enter exact dates? For example if the campground has One week reservations only, and they begin on either Friday, Saturday or Sunday, do you need to create availability notification requests for all three dates of each week you’re trying for?
I believe so. You will need a notification set for each date you wish to arrive. I will double check and if it something different, I will let you know.
You always send me notices – dozens of them at 3 o’clock in the morning, then when I get up at 7 am they are gone. Who stays aways every night until 3 or 4 am???? Why can’t you post the notice the night before at a decent time? I have NEVER received a notice from you other then 3 to 4 am! This frustrates the heck out of trying to respect your system. It’s not even reasonable. I have complained to the state of Nebraska about this. Hopefully they will use another vendor.